I’ve got a new piece up on Nintendojo — an outline of fanfiction from a GameCube franchise that never turned into a novel. You can find it right here.
Enclave Publishing: Hard Versus Soft Science Fiction
Speculative Faith: What Does God Need With a Starship?
The Shadows of Aeroel is Now Available
Nintendojo: My Baten Kaitos Interquel
Celebrating Six Months of Oblivion: A Free Short Story and a Book Giveaway!
State of the Writing: September 2016
Star Trek at 50: My Top 10 Favorite Franchise Moments
From the Mumbling Mommy Op-Ed Vault: On Studio Ghibli
State of the Writing: August 2016
Nintendojo: Pokémon STOP
Pokémon Go is a certifiable hit, millions strong. I took a look at when a person might want to put the brakes on the game. You can read it here:
A Free Short Story: Polly Shoots Laser Beams
The Races of Star Trek: Vulcans and Klingons
I’ve had a lot to say about Star Trek today. In addition to my throwback post on the Star Trek novel The Shocks of Adversity, I’ve also penned a piece on Vulcans and Klingons for Enclave Publishing, which you can read about here.
From the Amazon Review Vault: Star Trek: The Shocks of Adversity
Mumbling Mommy: Divorce is Scary
I wrote a piece for Mumbling Mommy on divorce … and why I think fearing it a little is healthy. You can find the entire post here.
State of the Writing: June 2016
Looking For a Free Short Story?

Edge of Oblivion released on April 15th, 2016, and if you’re reading this, you fall into one of two categories: You have read Edge of Oblivion. You have not read Edge of Oblivion. If you have read Edge of Oblivion, you might be interested in my short story, The Domes…