So let’s get to it.
I’m knee deep in my second round of edits for Into the Void. (The first round, called macro edits, deal with big-picture stuff. The smaller edits, called line edits, are more for flow and transition.) The edits are going extremely well, and should be done by the end of this month. Into the Void is slated for a mid-May 2017 release.
In the meantime, two other projects are just now starting to come out of beta. The first, Book 3 of the Sarco series, has gotten some awesome feedback, both positive and constructive, and I’ll be turning to it pretty soon. The second, The Shadows of Aeroel, is the short story set to release in a little over a month. That is also coming along well, and I’ll have more to say on that in just a few days.
What else? I continue to work on a few other projects, including preliminary outlining for a future science fiction novel. I’m still not ready to say much more about it, but I will say this: the more I think about it, the more excited about it I get!
More to come soon. Stay tuned!